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People are the drivers of processes in cities
We need to understand mobility patterns:
Crime – how many possible victims?
Pollution – who is being exposed? Where are the hotspots?
Economy – can we attract more people to our city centres?
Disease - which times / places have large numbers of interactions
An ABM that simulates urban processes
Updated in real-time using data assimilation
A 'digital twin'?
Data assimilation and ABM challenges
Latest research with a Particle Filter and a crowd simulation:
'Vanilla' filter
Estimating categorical parameters
Other opportunities
Unscented / Ensemble Kalman Filters
MCMC sampling
Complex models will always diverge
(due to inherent uncertainties in inputs, parameter values, model structure, etc.)
Possible Solution: Data Assimilation
Used in meteorology and hydrology to bring models closer to reality. Combines:
Noisy, real-world observations
Model estimates of the system state
Model size
10,000 agents * 5 variables = 50,000 distinct parameters
Agent behaviour
Agent's have goals, needs, etc., so can't be arbitrarily adjusted
Assumptions and parameter types
Maths typically developed for continuous parameters and assume normal distributions
... but, at least, many of these problems are shared by climate models
Simulating a city in real-time is too hard!! (for now)
For now lets start a crowd
What methods can we use to incorporate data?
How much data do we need?
Track every individual?
Track some individuals?
Just aggregate counts (e.g. number of people passing a footfall camera)
Pedestrian traces
B. Zhou, X. Wang and X. Tang. (2012) Understanding Collective Crowd Behaviors: Learning a Mixture Model of Dynamic Pedestrian-Agents. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2012
Entrance gate is known; speed and exit gate are unknown
Similar to the (very popular) Ensemble Kalman filter
Should be more efficient
But assumes Gaussian distributions
A few sigma points are chosen to represent the model state
Then some complicated maths happens ...
Observe a proportion of the agents
Observed v.s. Unobserved agents
Tang, D. and N. Malleson (2022). Data assimilation with agent-based models using Markov chain sampling. Open Research Europe 2(70). DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.14800.1
Define an ABM using a particular scheme (similar to normal ABM definition)
New algorithm to allow efficient sampling from the ABM
Use MCMC to combine the model with data to create a posterior
Posterior estimates of predators and prey
Feeding data into agent-based models is hard!
Computational and methodological challenges
Particle filters work on simple models, but naive filter breaks down
Towards Digital Twins of Human Systems
Join up simulations at multiple spatial and temporal resolutions
Real-time analysis tools and virtual labs for policy development
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